

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Various kinds of Crime on the Internet

-Various kinds of Crime on the Internet Actual crime on the internet it's very much his terms, but sometimes people often misunderstand the term really mean it ...
Below are some terms Quote / professions / levels / degrees they were cyber crime ...
Hacking is an art of skill to operate / control / master computer covers all aspects from basic level to the highest level both in basic computing, basic programming to a very complex network. Meanwhile, people who can do it all in the given nickname of "hackers". Hackers generally just do not really want to let alone published touting itself is a hacker. Precisely hackers tend to be quiet and closed with a very normal social status. In fact it is highly unlikely you would have thought someone was a quiet and innocent even geeky is a hacker (not mean everything). Hackers generally do not destroy, they are mostly looking for information / data essential high-level rather than to steal / pleasure but is more likely to test, not test the ability of their systems but they are facing. Most hackers are not very easy to beat them to master and turn back the state because they can be considered a level with the system ... So if anyone shouted "THIS MY HAI HACKER" if he did enter the category of hackers or even into another category of its morespecific?

Cracker can be categorized as people who understand the kind of high-level programming and a bit of networking knowledge. GENERAL crackers mostly his ability to create a program to meng-disfungsikan/me-manipulasi membuah track.For example: Cracker create a program that is supposed to be paid into the program for free. Crackers do not really understand the ins and outs of their most networks generally tend to love everything that is GRATISAN.

Once there was a case I have seen people proudly showing off his nickname in a website owned by someone else. Then he said "The website was hacked I" HACK? SUMPE LO? defacer its most common is a prankster who is like trying to find tau both in terms of knowledge, skills, and identity ... the easiest habits are known to change the look of the website they like to use / exploit weaknesses bugs / defects in a program. Defacer generally not very understanding about the level of programming they are more likely to understand about the performance of a webserver and scripts that are inside.

Probably rare in Indonesia who have heard this word. Phreaker is actually almost identical in character with the cracker where both like GRATISAN. The difference Phreaker more focus into the bug network / telecommunications. Example easily people can call for free when it should be paid, or any other instance someone using bugs that exist within a telecommunications company (although it is not known leaking this information or the results themselves informed insiders) it is one of phreaking activities and people who do it in the call Phreaker .

Wannabe Hacker
These are very numerous and easily encountered in Indonesia banyaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk sekaliiiii ... especially in the forums. I do not understand the literal meaning of wannabe hackers but actually it's more likely to lead to a psychology where its common these wannabe hackers want to do something crazy and out of normality either within or outside the scope of its ability to obtain recognition of his ability with the goal of "great" or "capable of "from those around him. The simplest example if you have a friend who claimed to be / good at hacking facebook / myspace he includes in this category wannabe hackers ...

Script kiddies
It's also very easy and banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak can be found in Indonesia. Most script kiddies mostly talk blablabla when in fact the basis of what he did he did not understand. Script kiddies can be included in the category of advanced user where his expertise is the "use" not "find" let alone to the "create" the most stylish man is the defacer script kiddies who like to change the look of the website by using the tools / software / programs that are not homemade / results his own thoughts.

If this is still used in Indonesia could boom around the year 2000-2005 in Indonesia if the first was given the nickname frauder aka cyber fraudsters who tend to like doing fraud / manipulation / generalization credit card to get some of his favorite items. Almost the same kind as the cracker / Phreaker but very careless and stupid. Generally, the scammer / frauder is understood about the ins and outs of networking but very blind about basic programming and security.

if this one does not need to be in place in the position of gray.Newbie Group is really a beginner, aka people who might actually just using the computer. Most newbie could develop into Hacker, Cracker, Defacer, Phreaker, Hacker Wannabe, script kiddies, to the scammer. Newbie is like an egg that will be determined by the level of knowledge to capture a lesson or in environmental conditions. Newbie can turn into anything from there supporters and how he evaluates things based on her mind.

Taken from various sources and partly on his own knowledge 

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

cegah virus melalui flasdisk by huryx's

Mencegah virus menular melalui Flashdisk  Dengan penggunaan flashdisk yang sudah umum dimana-mana, menjadi salah satu sebab menjamurnya virus, terutama virus lokal.Sampai saat ini, saya sering sekali melihat hampir setiap komputer/laptop teman-teman di Universitas terkena virus, yang terkadang mereka tidak menyadari. Selain Antivirus yang seharusnya senantiasa diupdate minimal seminggu sekali, sebenarnya ada tips yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah menularnya virus dari media seperti flashdisk tanpa kita sadari.  Berikut langkah-langkahnya : Buka Registry Editor, dengan cara klik Start Menu > Run dan ketik regedit dan klik OK  Cari Lokasi : KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Buat key baru ( Klik kanan > New > DWORD Value ) beri nama : NoDriveAutoRun Double klik untuk mengisi nilai ( data ). Pilih Base : Decimal dan isikan Value data dengan nilai 67108863  Jika diperlukan, dapat juga menambahkan nilai yang sama di : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer  Restart Komputer  Dengan penambahan setting ini, maka ketika kita memasang flashdisk, windows tidak akan otomatis menjalankan program autorun yang ada di flashdisk.    test anti virus  Apakah anda memasang antivirus di komputer (windows)? Jika iya, bagaimana jika kita ingin mengetes kinerja antivirus tersebut ? Bisa saja menggunakan virus sungguhan, tetapi sangat beresiko. Bagaimana jika anti virus tidak mendeteksi ? Virus malah akan menyebar di komputer. Berikut test standard antivirus yang dapat dilakukan dengan mudah untuk mengetahui kinerja featureresident shield feature antivirus yang melakukan monitor secara real time terhadap kerja suatu program/process). Test ini disediakan oleh EICARSebuah organisasi security Ahli di Eropa. Test ini didistribusikan sebagai “EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File”. File ini aman, karena bukan sebuah virus, dan tidak menyertakan sedikitpun code yang membahayakan. Anti-virus akan mengenali sebagai “EICAR-AV-Test” atau sejenis itu. Berikut caranya : Buka NotepadKetikkan atau paste text berikut :  X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*  Simpan dengan ekstensi .com. Misalnya “” ( Ketika menyimpan pilih bagian “Save as type” dengan “All Files”, kemudian di notepad, simpan dengan tanpa tanda petik, misalnya “EICAR.COM” ).Jika anti-virus berjalan baik, maka sebelum file dijalankan pun antivirus akan mengenali. Jika tidak, maka jalankan file tersebut dengan double click atau melalui DOS PromptDi komputer, saya gunakan antivirus (Avira Antivir) mendeteksi dengan baik. Berikut tampilan ketika mendeteksi :  Mencegah virus menular melalui Flashdisk  Dengan penggunaan flashdisk yang sudah umum dimana-mana, menjadi salah satu sebab menjamurnya virus, terutama virus lokal.Sampai saat ini, saya sering sekali melihat hampir setiap komputer/laptop teman-teman di Universitas terkena virus, yang terkadang mereka tidak menyadari. Selain Antivirus yang seharusnya senantiasa diupdate minimal seminggu sekali, sebenarnya ada tips yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah menularnya virus dari media seperti flashdisk tanpa kita sadari.  Berikut langkah-langkahnya : Buka Registry Editor, dengan cara klik Start Menu > Run dan ketik regedit dan klik OK  Cari Lokasi : KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Buat key baru ( Klik kanan > New > DWORD Value ) beri nama : NoDriveAutoRun Double klik untuk mengisi nilai ( data ). Pilih Base : Decimal dan isikan Value data dengan nilai 67108863  Jika diperlukan, dapat juga menambahkan nilai yang sama di : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer  Restart Komputer  Dengan penambahan setting ini, maka ketika kita memasang flashdisk, windows tidak akan otomatis menjalankan program autorun yang ada di flashdisk.    test anti virus  Apakah anda memasang antivirus di komputer (windows)? Jika iya, bagaimana jika kita ingin mengetes kinerja antivirus tersebut ? Bisa saja menggunakan virus sungguhan, tetapi sangat beresiko. Bagaimana jika anti virus tidak mendeteksi ? Virus malah akan menyebar di komputer. Berikut test standard antivirus yang dapat dilakukan dengan mudah untuk mengetahui kinerja featureresident shield feature antivirus yang melakukan monitor secara real time terhadap kerja suatu program/process). Test ini disediakan oleh EICARSebuah organisasi security Ahli di Eropa. Test ini didistribusikan sebagai “EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File”. File ini aman, karena bukan sebuah virus, dan tidak menyertakan sedikitpun code yang membahayakan. Anti-virus akan mengenali sebagai “EICAR-AV-Test” atau sejenis itu. Berikut caranya : Buka NotepadKetikkan atau paste text berikut :  X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*  Simpan dengan ekstensi .com. Misalnya “” ( Ketika menyimpan pilih bagian “Save as type” dengan “All Files”, kemudian di notepad, simpan dengan tanpa tanda petik, misalnya “EICAR.COM” ).Jika anti-virus berjalan baik, maka sebelum file dijalankan pun antivirus akan mengenali. Jika tidak, maka jalankan file tersebut dengan double click atau melalui DOS PromptDi komputer, saya gunakan antivirus (Avira Antivir) mendeteksi dengan baik. Berikut tampilan ketika mendeteksi :